Message from the Middle and High School Counselor: ​
​I am Sister Fatima Alwan, the Middle/High School Guidance Counselor,
I am also a former student of Universal School; from elementary, middle, high school, and even college, the years I spent at Universal school were the greatest, most beneficial years of my life! Therefore, it was a dream come true to come back and work at the school that shaped the person I am today. I look forward to being a part of the rest of your child's life, and with the Will of Allah, guide them on the straight path. Perhaps one day your child will come back just as I have, to continue to expand Universal School. May Allah bless this school with positive attitudes, hard work, and may we reach June greater than we are now.
Returning students, welcome back! I can not wait to see you again. For new students, I can not wait to meet you. As your Counselor I am always here to help you. Whether this may be academically and/or emotionally, I will do everything in my power to make sure you are excelling to your greatest potential. My doors are always open!
Sister Fatima Alwan
Middle and High School Counselor
Phone: 597-0102 Ext.135
Email: falwan@myuniversalschool.org